Inspiring to Inspire
Inspiring to Inspire is a Kickstarter project developed by two retired teachers. It aims to be an online, ‘at-home’ helper for parents who struggle to understand maths or would like guidance on assisting their children with their homework.
Inspire to Inspire
Web Design, UI, UX

The service is paid for through an annual subscription which gives the customer full access to video content, downloads, a glossary of useful mathematical terms, a forum, and instant chat ‘homework help’ with a teacher. The website needed to function across a range of platforms with many parents preferring to access the service on their iPads when working with their child, or more discreetly on their phones when on the go.

It was important for me to understand the needs of not just the primary end users (the parents), but also the secondary users (their children) who might need to use parts of the site, such as the downloadable worksheets or videos. Homework can be a difficult and frustrating experience for some students and parents, so the design of the interface was kept bright and simple to maximise engagement and ensure easy access to the different parts of the site. Pam and Anne, the founders, were introduced as characters, illustrated by me, on the homepage and the 'about' section of the website to try and provide a personal approach to the website and resources.