Get The Game On Campagin
The National Cricket Playing Survey found that participation in grassroots level cricket is steadily declining in England and Wales. The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) were keen to increase participation rates and the number of games being played, so they asked Raw to create a new brand and promotional campaign to communicate the issues directly with leagues and players to reignite interest and passion for playing.

As Senior Designer I led the creative team from initial concepts through to the production of the visuals. We worked closely with the ECB to look at the best way of publicising the campaign. From this, a microsite was designed which became a central hub for the campaign. Players, leagues and campaign managers can access a range of tips and tools, as well as up-to-date news stories on how other clubs are increasing participation and the number of matches played.

This was complimented by a short animated video highlighting some of the key issues faced by clubs and players when trying to ‘get the game on’, such as poor weather conditions and time pressures and how to deal with these. Alongside this, a range of printed items was created to be distributed at league roadshows. The campaign has been received very positively by players and leagues, as well as the ECB, with great conversation taking place on Twitter via the #getthegameon hashtag.