Dom Sexual Health App
Designed in partnership with Buckinghamshire County Council, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, students at Chiltern Hills Academy and Raw, Dom is a Sexual Health App game.
Buckinghamshire CC
App Design

Raw led creative sessions with Year 11 students to determine some of the obstacles and taboos around sexual health advice in schools. The students were asked to come up with creative solutions on how to educate young people on topics such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception and consent. I created all the visuals for this project and worked closely with others on the strategy for how the game should work. The app developer and I worked closely to get the game working properly. The result is a fun and addictive app game that teaches players how to put a condom on correctly.

Each level of the game offers a new challenge, including using a condom for the first time and using a condom in the dark at the ‘lights out’ level. Players receive points for accuracy and unlock new shop items through continued play. In the shop feature of the app, players can dress up Dom in various colourful outfits and accessories. The app also contains a service finder and further advice on contraception and STIs.